L-R: Me, Agnes Esquibel, Enrique Trujillo (Tio), Celina Esquibel (circa ~ 1974)

L-R: Me, Agnes Esquibel, Enrique Trujillo (Tio), Celina Esquibel (circa ~ 1974)

Me in Chiz June 1973

Me in Chiz June 1973


This website was created in an attempt to share the history of the Trujillo family that claim their origin from the community of Chiz/Chise, Sierra County, New Mexico, USA.

Please review the Rules of Information page on how its decided what information gets put on.

Los Trujillo de Chiz is grammatically correct according to my Phd. in Spanish sister-in-law

I'm new to website creation & so it may take sometime to add all the information that has been compiled.

Growing up and going to the fiestas every year was a treat.  Over the years there were two questions that developed in my mind.  The first is when did the first Trujillo come to New Mexico?  The second was if the story of Chief Cochise and Ventura Trujillo really true?  When I decided to do the research to find these answers it was from the very beginning, due to my nature, that I was going to obtain primary sources.  I fancy myself as decent at finding primary information but terrible at summarizing my work because I never feel like I’ve reached the compete answer.  What finally prompted me to compile this summary was reading another Trujillo Genealogist’s biography of Ventura Trujillo and finding inconsistencies with my research.  Pushing out my research and providing it to others in the family would at least get the discussions going.